


Privacy protocol for Group administration

The Resilience Report uses the Resilience Doughnut interactive tool and two validated measures to assist your child to take a snapshot of their own resilience. Each snapshot will
  1. Assess the strengths of their available resources, using the Resilience Doughnut tool.
  2. Measure their competence using the Resilience Scales for Adolescents (Developed by Odin Hjemdal & Oddgeir Friborg, 2010).
  3. Track the effect of the adversities in their lives, using the Strength and Difficulties questionnaire (developed by Robert Goddman 2005) The Resilience Report then encourages individuals to learn creative ways to combine their strengths to build their resilience.
The questionnaires consist of a strength and difficulties scale and a resilience scale. The resilience scale has statements such as “I have self discipline” “my life has meaning” with a 7-point likert scale and the strength and difficulties scale has items such as “I usually share with others” “I have many fears and am easily scared” with a 3-point likert scale. The Resilience Doughnut tool consists of students responding to positive statements about their family, friends, teachers and personal strengths. The time taken will be approximately 30 minutes and will be completed independently on line up to 3-4 times each year for 6 years.

Using the report is completely voluntary and you are not under any obligation to consent to allow your child to complete the questionnaires. You can withdraw any time prior to submitting the completed questionnaires however once questionnaires have been submitted anonymously, responses can be withdrawn by contacting the teacher administering the test.

Your decision whether or not to permit your child to participate will not prejudice you or your child’s future relations with the school. If you decide to permit your child to participate, you are free to withdraw your consent and to discontinue your child’s participation at any time.

The individual results of the report will be accessible to teaching staff allocated to the welfare needs of the students as agreed by the principal. The results will be used to identify your child’s strengths and highlight any difficulties they may be experiencing. Names will be deleted and codes will be used to identify students when used for statistical analysis. Individual reports are accessible to parents via confidential log in password and with the your child’s permission.

The report has the benefits of raising student awareness of the process of building resilience during adolescence. It is hoped the report will enable participants to strengthen their existing connections and enhance their emotional and mental wellbeing. Students are encouraged to talk about their results particularly as it builds awareness of the importance of connecting with others.


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